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     Nonprofit Business Advisor
ISSN: 1949-3193
期刊网址: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1949-3193
Nonprofit Business Advisor is the monthly newsletter covering the latest business, financial, tax and management trends for nonprofit organizations, and monitoring key new laws from the IRS and other regulators. In each issue, non-profit professionals will find news and editorial analysis on federal regulations, tax queries, budget cuts, governance, community relations, product or program challenges, fundraising, risk management, new legislation and giving.

But beyond the latest developments in the field, Nonprofit Business Advisor also offers clear, concise information and how-to advice for the non-profit organization on time management, staff development, human resources, customer service, technology and quality assurance that subscribers can implement into their day-to-day operations. Addressing the newest trends, the latest nonprofit developments, and case studies demonstrating how nonprofits are managing business problems, Nonprofit Business Advisor delivers the news and analysis you need to address the complex issues you encounter each day.

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