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ISSN: 2095-2430 CN: 10-1023/X
Email: pangzhq@hep.com.cn     期刊网址: http://engineering.cae.cn/fsce
Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering (Formerly known as Frontiers of Architecture and Civil Engineering in China) seeks to provide a multidisciplinary forum with peer-reviewed papers and case studies in order to promote rapid communication and exchange among scholars, engineers and architects. It introduces and reflects significant and pioneering achievements in the field of structural and civil engineering. The subject areas featured will include some aspects of main branches of civil engineering. Topics include but not restricted to: structural engineering; hydraulic engineering; geotechnical engineering; bridge engineering. All published papers will reflect the original thoughts of researchers and practitioners on basic theories, model, computing, and design in structural and civil engineering. The journal is strictly peer-reviewed and accepts only original submissions in English.

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